
What is quilting?

Quilting is a fabric creation technique where multiple layers are stitched together to develop a thicker and padded material.

Quilting is often used to develop home decor, wall hangings, etc.

What are the different types of quilting?

Quilting is a popular process, and due to its different applications, it has various types, too. Below are some quilting types.

Hand Quilting

As the name suggests, this process involves using hands to create the quilting pattern. To create this type of quilting, you may need to use a quilting frame or hoop to hold the fabric layers correctly. As this is an entirely hand-driven process, it is time-consuming, but you can rely on it to create much better and more intricate designs.

Machine Quilting

You might have guessed it already by reading the name. This type of quilt uses a sewing machine to sew fabric layers together. You should use a machine quilting technique to complete a quilting project much faster. This type of quilting can also be used when you have a computerized design or want to create a complex one.


Tying is another quilting type in which knots or ties are used instead of stitching layers together. This process is much simpler and faster than conventional quilting.

Longarm Quilting

Another popular quilting technique is longarm quilting. In this type of quilting, you use a specialized longarm quilting machine that can create large quilts. Even though this creates larger quilts, it can accommodate intricate designs precisely.

What are some popular quilting patterns? 

As there are different types of quilting, there are some awesome quilting patterns, too. Out of the many quilting patterns available in the industry, let’s focus on some of the most popular ones below.


As the name suggests, a patchwork quilting pattern is created by applying patches of different shapes and sizes to the top layer of the quilt. The different shapes are stitched together and then quilted with the other quilt layers.

Crazy Quilts

If you want unique designs for your quilting project, you should try crazy quilts. This pattern uses irregular shapes and varying sizes and is accompanied by embroidery.